Test Writer Which Of The Following Is The Best Way A Writer Can Test A Story Idea?

Which of the following is the best way a writer can test a story idea? - test writer

Which of the following is the best way a writer can choose an idea of the history examination, whether he / she must follow in its entirety?
A. The writer should be confident in Going
As the writer must decide what is popular on the market
C. The writer should be interested in the idea of
D. The writer must write mainly about the things which are personally


hp_resou... said...

The writer must write. If you do nothing and not only brings suffering and misery are fully implemented. If you have to go somewhere and be sued, the causes of emotion and passion of the writer is.

There is no way, my story of sirens worth further study the novels of sirens, or if the sirens are currently popular, or if I feel secure in the fact that people want to hear, say, sirens, I give this history. I can write and see if I want.

I can write a story about mermaids, but not a personal question ... but my favorite movie is The Little Mermaid, and although I never thought, until the sirens.

I wrote. And to be seen.

I hope that helps.

Peaches ♥ Broflovski said...

I would say that the four are the best, but if I choose, I would go with D. Even when I'm writing a fantasy-adventure, as is the case today, I am with my characters and my story, and although the plot is too deeply connected tales be true, I tell him because it is a part of me, above all, that each story is its creator.

Robert Frost wrote: "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."

This is what should be every story. A portrait of the deepest, most intimate feelings. Then everything else follows, despite the popularity and market confidence and interest.

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