How To Wear A Jockstrap How Comes Whilst You Are In A Car Or Any Other Vehicle You Have To Wear A Seat Belt, But When You Are On A?

How comes whilst you are in a car or any other vehicle you have to wear a seat belt, but when you are on a? - how to wear a jockstrap

Train or bus, you do not wear a seat belt.


Vinny (suspended yet again) oops said...

Because .... the wheels on the bus go round and round, round, round. The wheels of the bus ride in circles all day ... ... long!

Siobhán said...

If you choose National Express buses, and buses for school trips, you must wear the seat belt law. to do so, the failure of the insurance payment can result in exhaust, etc.
The same goes for taxis, where people do not take t on because they do not believe that it is necessary, but it really can save your life or the money to do so.
With regard to the process know its strange, but I certainly take the measures already in place on the train and the likelihood of a serious incident occurs, that they would benefit from the use of seat belts.
Bus I think it's because of the frequent stops and shorter routes that relitivly.
In both cases, however, if you are a wearing a seatbelt. The work really.

Siobhán said...

If you choose National Express buses, and buses for school trips, you must wear the seat belt law. to do so, the failure of the insurance payment can result in exhaust, etc.
The same goes for taxis, where people do not take t on because they do not believe that it is necessary, but it really can save your life or the money to do so.
With regard to the process know its strange, but I certainly take the measures already in place on the train and the likelihood of a serious incident occurs, that they would benefit from the use of seat belts.
Bus I think it's because of the frequent stops and shorter routes that relitivly.
In both cases, however, if you are a wearing a seatbelt. The work really.

Siobhán said...

If you choose National Express buses, and buses for school trips, you must wear the seat belt law. to do so, the failure of the insurance payment can result in exhaust, etc.
The same goes for taxis, where people do not take t on because they do not believe that it is necessary, but it really can save your life or the money to do so.
With regard to the process know its strange, but I certainly take the measures already in place on the train and the likelihood of a serious incident occurs, that they would benefit from the use of seat belts.
Bus I think it's because of the frequent stops and shorter routes that relitivly.
In both cases, however, if you are a wearing a seatbelt. The work really.

PHIL T said...

700 km / h in his seat with the belt of the air in a dive from 30 feet on the ground, the only liquid mixed with the fuel and hydraulic oil. It is very effective with a belt.

They shot on the road 90 km / h on my VTX 1800 and has no seat belt.
But in a head on accident, I can Superman more than 315 meters into the air circulation.

That's what he thinks, while in the air, and in reality, which is very important.
So, if you happen to ignore the thoughts of a hair spray or false nail with grooves.
You need this time to avoid telephone poles from the front, and the grille of the truck.

But it can be polished and will continue with its text, then click Send.

Timbo is here said...

Trains can not stop quickly enough to justify a seat belt.
Bus service and safety belts are impractical, the risk is considered low and acceptable
The coaches have seat belts and now the law is not used.
Safety belts are proven to live in cars and other vehicles - not in a position to use them on buses and trains is not a total saving futility no excuse not to use it elsewhere.

Zimmer said...

The anchorage points for seat belts in the United Kingdom should be built to the safety standard kite mark. If you were sitting in the arrangement of the anchoring of the average bus about the position of Head of passengers is sitting right behind you.

Art Vandelay said...

The train is self-explanatory.
On buses, the seats are higher if you see something that struck him in the face disadvantages. In addition, a bus is great, not as dangerous as a car, when it comes to collisions.

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