Pacific Debt Whats Up With Pacific Management Debt Collectors Calling From 8882142646?

Whats up with Pacific Management debt collectors calling from 8882142646? - pacific debt

Private phoned me and gave me the phone number 8662142646, then this guy online Peter said they would garnish my wages and let all my bills, and if you do not get what they wanted after my car and my house. What can you do? I laid a complaint with the BBB, said they had proccesed my papers before the court, you can take any legal action against them? You are THE LAW with the fear of revolution of internet communication and THATS AGAINST! F * CK YOU

There you can take legal action against them?


CatDad said...

- By itself, the debt collectors have absolutely no legal power over you. You can garnish your wages or control gel ... Only a court can authorize this and will do so through the court system to go.
If a collection agent, the initial contacts should be the first step is always to validate the debt of their rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act request. Even if the debt is valid, request validation anyway.

Send a letter to be used by registered letter + (It is not clear as ordinary mail):

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act request, I validate these alleged debts waived, signed, including a copy of the original application with my signature
-------------------------------------- ...
* Do not sign your signature on a document that you send a debt collector. Could be based on a falsified document that can be used against you. Simply enter your full name.

Return the call, tell them that I am a letter to his office officially nsinteresting written confirmation of this alleged debt to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

This is federal law, these validation in writing within 30 days and must cease all collection activity until they have also written validation. Do not be deterred by false threats during this period.
- The debt collectors love nothing more than pretending to be (or is) a lawyer if the case is not to pay people to scare them. It is a violation of federal law. If you threaten a complaint or legal action, ask the name of the lawyer and the number of licenses in the status bar. Contact confirm your State Bar Association to this information. If they refuse this information to you then the legal threat is probably a bluff.

CatDad said...

- By itself, the debt collectors have absolutely no legal power over you. You can garnish your wages or control gel ... Only a court can authorize this and will do so through the court system to go.
If a collection agent, the initial contacts should be the first step is always to validate the debt of their rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act request. Even if the debt is valid, request validation anyway.

Send a letter to be used by registered letter + (It is not clear as ordinary mail):

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act request, I validate these alleged debts waived, signed, including a copy of the original application with my signature
-------------------------------------- ...
* Do not sign your signature on a document that you send a debt collector. Could be based on a falsified document that can be used against you. Simply enter your full name.

Return the call, tell them that I am a letter to his office officially nsinteresting written confirmation of this alleged debt to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

This is federal law, these validation in writing within 30 days and must cease all collection activity until they have also written validation. Do not be deterred by false threats during this period.
- The debt collectors love nothing more than pretending to be (or is) a lawyer if the case is not to pay people to scare them. It is a violation of federal law. If you threaten a complaint or legal action, ask the name of the lawyer and the number of licenses in the status bar. Contact confirm your State Bar Association to this information. If they refuse this information to you then the legal threat is probably a bluff.

Lenny Abrams said...

Hello, my name is Lenny and I work for a debt settlement firm in midtown New York. If you have credit problems, need advice that I can help. My specialty revolves around the solution of consumer debt (having a hard time) for the minimum balances of your car. If you are interested, please call me at 917-386-7039 (ask Lenny), or by e-mail me

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